I am Barabbas
When reading the Bible I can sometimes find it difficult to relate to the text. It is hard to find the application at times or where we are represented in the Bible as humanity. While reading through the book of John this past week, we came across the passage about Jesus' crucifixion. A significant character in that passage can sometimes be overlooked but carries great symbolism. Barabbas was a notorious murderer in prison during Jesus's trial. It was customary for a prisoner to be released at this time and the people chose Barabbas.
Through no work of his own Barabbas was released. Jesus took the place of Barabbas because He loved him. He hung on that cross and sacrificed himself for Barabbas. In fact, He made the exact same sacrifice for you and me with the same love He had for Barabbas. When we find it difficult to relate to the Bible or find where it applies to us today, look at Barabbas. Because we are Barabbas.