It's All Around Us


Celebrating Easter always serves as a reminder as to why we take part in communion every week. After all the first time that communion is shared is at the Last Supper right before Jesus' crucifixion and later on resurrection. Communion reminds us of Jesus's love for us. Communion also reminds us of the hope that we now have because of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. Without that sacrifice, we would not have the opportunity to spend eternity with our Father and Creator.

 Life would feel hopeless and pointless without this hope and promise in the end. That is not to say that we won't feel hopeless at times here on Earth because we will. We still live in a fallen world; that has not changed. But what has changed is how we can view it. That is why we take time each week to take communion and remember and reflect on the fact that there is hope after all of this. I don't know about you but I need that reminder more than once a week. So, I encourage all of you to look for communion in your daily lives. Maybe that is during your quiet time with the Lord, a conversation with a friend, or a song you hear on the radio. So many different things can remind us of the Father's love. The reminder of Jesus' sacrifice and the hope we have because of it is all around us. Don't let Easter be your once-a-year reminder of it because we need that reminder every day.