You Already Passed the Class
This upcoming week is finals week for most college students. It can be a stressful and busy time for most students. We have been working hard all semester to earn good grades and eventually prove ourselves through our final exams. As students, we have to earn these grades and work hard for them.
With that being said I am very thankful that we do not have to work to earn our salvation. Which is a much bigger deal than an exam. We would fall short every time. We would fail no matter how many times we showed up here for class (church). We would fail no matter how many times we volunteered to do extra credit assignments (serving in the church). Even reading the textbook (the Bible) before every class will not earn us our salvation. Now it is still important to participate because that deepens our knowledge and relationship with Christ, but it is by God's grace, mercy, and sacrifice alone that we can have the gift of eternal life. Jesus' sacrifice on the cross is what earns us our salvation. Let's remember that we have already passed the class but it is up to us to accept this gift.